movement - wasd
battery salvo - left click
torpedo - right click

Game is updated to the point that it should've been back at the end of the jam. Will continue to update when I can but at least it's somewhat playable.

Heyo, this game is not exactly playable. For the sake of time I took shortcuts that inevitably broke a significant part of the game. However I hope you can enjoy what little there is. 

If you don't die immediately, the controls are wasd or the arrows to move. Your movement has momentum so keep that in mind. Left mouse and right mouse fire artillery salvos and torpedos respectively.

Since submissions are done, I won't update any fixes, but I think there was too much potential for me to abandon it, so I'll work on it more later.

Credit where credit is due:

Broken game:


Sounds: or something like that

Bit Song:

Also some general help from fellow Capippis while I loitered in VC during the weekend. They were quite based I dare say.


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Can't quite get it to work for me, but there is definitely potential here, good job!

Bully panko simulator, very nice. I really hope you upload a fixed version after the rating period or whenever, I'd come back to check it out!

Yeah, I can't leave it in this state forever. I'll see what can be done. But definitely no official updates until rating is over

heh, panko got nuthin on me, strafed like a boss and shot her in the back. Jokes aside tho, I can see myself getting addicted to this game lol, with some background, more enemies and a health bar.

Yeh, what was intended is far different from the actual outcome, kek. When it comes to how the player actually handles I'm pretty confident that the idea is correct, I just need to gut the npc and make it it properly this time. I'll put some more time into it this weekend, if not this week